Monday, April 20, 2009

Zimbabwe turns 29: Mugabe Quotes!

Man is this going to sound pessimistic, but here it goes.

Mugable circa 2001:

The MDC will never form the government of this country, never ever, not in my lifetime or even after I dies. Ndinya kupikirei ndinomuka chidhoma—I swear my ghost will come after you. (Meredith: 177)

The MDC should never be judged or characterized by its black trade union face; by its youthful student face; by its black suburban junior professionals; never by its rough and violent high-density [urban] elements. It is much deeper, whiter, and wider than these human superficies; for it is immovable and implacably moored in the colonial yesteryear and embraces wittingly or unwittingly the repulsive ideology of return to white settler rule. MDC is as old as strong as the forces and interests that bore and nurtured it; that converge on and control it; that drive and direct it; indeed that support, sponsor and spur it. It is a counter-revolutionary Trojan Horse contrived and nurtured by the very inimical forces that enslave and oppressed our people yesterday.
(Meredith: 192)

Mugabe 2009

As Zimbabweans, we need to create an environment of tolerance, and treat one another with dignity and decency, irrespective of age, gender, race, ethnicity, tribe, political or religious affiliation

...We are grateful that the formation of an inclusive government has allowed the spirit of oneness in which we celebrate our 29th year of independence.
(al jazeera)

Needless to say, I seriously question the longevity of this coalition government. If I were Tsvangirai, I'd be very scared that Mugabe was going to do something crazy.

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