Friday, August 21, 2009

Haas on Afghanistan

In today's times, Richard Haas, the head of CFR, wrote a piece describing the war in Afghanistan as a war of choice rather than a war of necessity. Albeit, a tough choice, but a choice nonetheless.

For me, this is the first time I've heard suggestion from an important in Washington that the US does not need to be in Afghanistan, and may not need to be sending more troops there. Even he seems unsure of what, alternatively, to do however. He mentions undertaking a strategy similar to the US strategy in Somalia, where US troops are not involved, and where counter-terrorism support is not endorsed by domestics, but where the US is (somehow) involved. I'd be interested in hearing this strategy fledged out a bit more. For now Haas suggests that the US monitor its current strategy and continuously self-examine it.

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